Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Courtney Day

Courtney Day

One of the special treats of these Lymphedema groups is that you get the opportunity to meet new people.

This past week, I had the most delightful time meeting a lovely young lady with Lymphedema. Her name is Courtney day, a fourteen year old high school student and co-author of a new book where she shares her journey so far with LE.

I bought a copy and read it when I got back to the hotel and it was delightful. I think you’ll find it refreshing to read as she is so open and honest about her struggles in ways that we as adults are too timid to do. It is very encouraging as well as she is unashamed of her faith and shares that as well and how she is determined not to let lmphedema ruin or control her life – or to let it rob her of her dreams and hopes for the future.

In addition to her school activities, Courtney is active in her church, the National Charity League (helps organizations such as the Rnald McDonald House and the Drake house. She is also involved with a local food help group Norcross Food Co-0p..

She and her co-author, LE therapist Emily Smith also have a Facaebook group:

Emily is a Vodder trained and certified therapist and has also written a couple books on Stretch Therapy.

A Leg Up on Lymphedema - Facebook group

The book is:

A Leg up on Lymphedema

And can be ordered through this link: A Leg up on Lymphedema



Baby Kayden in Oklahoma

Baby Kayden in Oklahoma

Good Morning Everyone

I wanted to bring this to everyone’s attention and encourage anyone who can to help this little baby. Kayden has vascular Lymphedema and was just born on August 18, 2009…he’s got a long road ahead of him so let’s do anything we can for him and his family:

Baby Kayden

He’s a real little doll too!

Thanks Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
