Friday, October 20, 2006

My lymphoscintigraphy (LAS) results showed no lymph vessels in legs

Q: My lymphoscintigraphy (LAS) results were interpreted and I was told that I have no lymph vessels in my legs. Can this be true?

A: No, this cannot be an accurate interpretation of your results, but rest assured, many patients have echoed your comments "precisely" in my experience. LAS measures uptake and transport of lymph over a period of time. A radioisotope, which can only be absorbed by lymphatics due to its molecular size, is injected into the system, usually at the toes, and diffuses into the swollen tissues. Radiological pictures are taken to mark the progression of the radioisotope over time.

I would first like to comment that sometimes LAS test results are misinterpreted simply due to the medical profession's inexperience performing this particular test. There are very few physicians who specialize in lymphology, much less call for routine LAS for his/her lymphedema patients. As such, it is quite unlikely that any patient would find a local facility specialized in providing this test, which is then followed by informed interpretation of the results.

Oftentimes, as so many of us realize, lymphedema as a disease condition is mislabeled and misunderstood. Commonly, whole batteries of tests are conducted to rule out other disease conditions including: deep vein thrombosis (DVT), heart disease (such as Congestive Heart Failure [CHF]), cancer, and liver failure, to name a few. Most would agree that it is prudent to run these tests to rule out serious additional health concerns and, once other problems are dismissed, lymphedema is generally considered a diagnosis of "exclusion" (everything else that could cause swelling has been ruled out).

One of the greatest problems encountered is that there are no agreed upon standards for administering LAS such as: time interval between injection to first image; second image and last image; amount of activity (movement/ exercise); type and duration of activity during periods between imaging, etc.

Another problem is that, unlike MRI, CT scan and dye injections, LAS does not provide a clear, resolute picture, but rather, shows a hazy image that requires a trained eye to interpret.

So why would you be told that there are no lymph vessels in your legs? The answer, again, becomes a matter of interpretation. When the injection is performed, a radioisotope, which can only be absorbed by lymphatics due to its molecular size, diffuses into the swollen tissues. Since lymphedema involves "stagnant" tissue fluid and poor transportation of lymph, it stands to reason that the injected solution would give a picture of little to no movement (i.e. Haze).

Furthermore, everyone has lymph vessels throughout the body since to be born without them would render the human being lifeless. In primary lymphedema, we know that, most often, less vessels and nodes exist and that the size/ caliber of these tissues is smaller than normal, therefore less uptake of lymph is seen and transport is sluggish. In secondary lymphedema, usually the lymph nodes are either damaged or removed causing many blocked connections from the vessels that were attached. In either situation, lymph vessels do indeed still exist; however, their function may be quite inadequate. If sufficient time is not taken during the LAS to record movement of tracer, then one could conclude that no vessels are working. However, in all cases, even when sufficient damage has been sustained, the lymphatic system is laboring to transport fluid wherever healthy vessels still exist. Perhaps two hours after the injection has been performed, tracer will be seen in other body areas indicating that it has made its way into the bloodstream via the thoracic duct.
It is important to address this misconception to clarify that lymphedema is nearly always treatable. It remains treatable even in the most advanced cases due to the ability of our lymphatic system to be "re-awakened" with proper stimulation, and to work more efficiently and effectively. Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) has been shown to make vessels contract more frequently, thus propelling fluid through once fatigued vessels. Exercise within a compression bandage further stimulates vessel activity. So to be clear, vessels always exist, but they may not be visualized by LAS because LAS measures uptake of fluid and transport over time.

January-March 2006Steve Norton, CLT-LANA

NLN Question and Answer

The National Lymphedema network