Saturday, November 03, 2012

A 24-year-old Ethiopian Farmer with Burning Feet.

A 24-year-old Ethiopian Farmer with Burning Feet.

Oct 2012


Academic Medical Centre - University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Dutch Expert Center for Lymphovascular Medicine, Nij Smellinghe Hospital, Drachten, The Netherlands.


Podoconiosis is a non-infectious tropical disease caused by exposure of bare feet to irritant alkalic clay soils. This causes an asymmetrical swelling of the feet and lower limbs due to lymphoedema. This swelling is called "elephantiasis" and may lead to severe disability of the patient. It is found in areas of tropical Africa, Central and South America and north-west India, where such soils coexist with high altitude, high seasonal rainfall and low income. Social stigmatization of people with the disease is widespread and economic losses are enormous. Podoconiosis is unique in being an entirely preventable non-communicable tropical disease. However, so far it has received little attention from health care policy makers.

see also: 

Podoconiosis Lymphedema From Exposure to Clay Soil